Wednesday, May 18, 2011

2nd Semester - Assignment #2, #4, #6, #8, #9, #14 [Critiques]

2. Go into your blog and copy one photo from YOUR "conveying a message" assignment. Give an honest critique of that photo. Are you happy with it? If so, what do you like? If not, what would you change? Is there anything you could improve upon?

I am very happy with how this photo turned out. I love the dramatic lighting and shadows, I think it creates a very interesting atmosphere. It captured a great moment of human/animal affection. The only thing I don't like is some of the scratch/dust marks but there's nothing I could do to get rid of them.

4. Go into your blog and copy one photo from YOUR "rule of thirds" assignment. Give an honest critique of that photo. Are you happy with it? If so, what do you like? If not, what would you change? Is there anything you could improve upon?

I absolutely love this photograph, I think it is really cool. It was taken at a train station in Washington DC. It was very dark in the building but I was able to get a great shot with some great contast. I don't really have any critisms for it.

14. Go into your blog and copy one photo from YOUR "portraits" assignment. Give an honest critique of that photo. Are you happy with it? If so, what do you like? If not, what would you change? Is there anything you could improve upon?

I really like this photo. I am happy with how it turned out and I like the positioning of the subject. I can't really think of what I could do to improve it except making burn the left side because it's a bit too light.

6. Go into your blog and copy one photo from YOUR "hands and feet" assignment. Give an honest critique of that photo. Are you happy with it? If so, what do you like? If not, what would you change? Is there anything you could improve upon?

I also really love this picture. I think it's very intense and emotional and it's as if there's a story behind it. The focal point is the eye that really makes the picture great because it's intense and filled with emotion. I think the color contrast is great as well, with areas of light and dark.

8. Go into your blog and copy one photo from YOUR "framing" assignment. Give an honest critique of that photo. Are you happy with it? If so, what do you like? If not, what would you change? Is there anything you could improve upon?

Ignore the stain, this is my "mistake" copy (I can't find the real one). I like this picture, but I think it's a bit dark and blurry, I wish it was more clear. But I like the concept and idea of it.

9. Go into your blog and copy one photo from YOUR "making a positive from a negative" assignment. Give an honest critique of that photo. Are you happy with it? If so, what do you like? If not, what would you change? Is there anything you could improve upon?

I'm really happy with how this photograph came out, I think it looks pretty cool. I wish it was a little less dark but I am still happy with it despite that.

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